What Does A Smart Coffee Maker Do? 5 Amazing Features

Many people prefer using a smart coffee maker for convenience, while some still enjoy brewing coffee the old-fashioned way. But what does a smart coffee maker do? 

What does a smart coffee maker do - a digital coffee maker on top of a stone kitchen
Today’s technology lets you brew coffee with just one click/button

Nothing beats a steaming cup of hot coffee in the morning. Some people prefer to stay home and make their own coffee, while others love visiting a local coffee shop.

Going to a coffee shop can be expensive and time-consuming. But worry not, as today’s technology will change that! With a smart coffee maker, you don’t even need to get out of bed to brew a cup of coffee. 

What Does A Smart Coffee Maker Do?

A smart coffee maker is essentially a coffee maker operated via a smart assistant, an app, or can connect to your Wi-Fi for extra features, such as:

Custom Serving Sizes

Whether you need an espresso shot or to fill a large mug, with a smart coffee maker, you can control how much coffee you get.

Reordering Supplies

Some smart coffee makers may allow you to re-order your coffee beans, K-cups or filters using the smartphone app. This app also remembers your last order and will inform you when your coffee supplies are low.

Energy Saving

A lot of smart coffee makers have a feature to conserve and minimize energy use. Others also include an energy monitor that documents the energy usage.

energy saving features concept icon
Lets you reduce energy usage as you brew your coffee

Different Types Of Coffee

In addition to a basic drip brew, some smart coffee makers also serve cold and hot coffee, espressos, lattes, and more. However, the most versatile coffee makers are usually the ones with the bigger price tag.

Built-In Accessories

Lastly, it’s not uncommon for smart coffee makers to also come with accessories like a milk frother or a grinder.

What To Consider When Choosing The Best Smart Coffee Maker

Here’s what you need to consider when choosing the best smart coffee maker.


Not all smart coffee makers are the same size. For example, a smart drip coffee maker can make up to 12 cups of coffee. For an Americano, a smart espresso maker could prepare a single or double espresso or a regular cup of coffee.

Connection And Compatibility

Another crucial factor that you need to keep in mind is how the smart coffee maker connects to smartphones. While some smart coffee makers connect using a smartphone app with Bluetooth, others might require a Wi-Fi connection.

For people who have voice-activated virtual assistant technology, there are also smart coffee makers compatible with Google Assistant or Alexa. However, they may need another device in order to function correctly.

Easy To Use

Choosing a smart coffee maker that is easy to use is essential, as others may require very complicated or detailed programming. So, choose the one with a simple setup, intuitive buttons, and a user manual. A smart coffee maker that works with a smartphone app or has a one-touch manual display is more convenient.

A smart coffee maker works with a smartphone app [Image downloaded from Canva Pro]


Arguably the best thing about a smart coffee maker is that you can adjust the settings to meet your preferences. For example, some include start times that can be programmed so that your coffee can be prepared and ready for when you wake up. In addition, it’s not uncommon to be able to choose the serving size, brew strength, and even type of coffee drink, especially if they have a milk frother.


Similar to all kinds of coffee makers, smart coffee makers require similar maintenance, including washing removable parts like the filter basket or coffee carafe. Many of them are dishwasher-safe — but be careful not to damage any electrical parts or get them wet.

Cappuccino and espresso machines tend to be more complex and have unique needs and requirements. The frothing wand, damper, basket, and milk carafe are the main parts that require careful washing. These machines usually include an internal self-cleaning system or a notification when a deeper clean is needed, which makes maintenance less of a chore.

Additional Features

Smart coffee makers also include additional features, such as customized brew strength, serving, or temperature control. Some may have a milk-frothing wand allowing users to prepare milky drinks. Others will come with an automatic foam and milk dispenser for drinks like lattes or cappuccinos.

Some smart coffee makers can even prepare other types of drinks, including tea. You may also be interested in reading our guide on the best smart coffee maker models.

How To Use A Smart Coffee Maker

 Woman holding a black cup taking coffee from a smart coffee machine on the table
Smart coffee machines are not hard to use

Smart coffee makers might seem daunting, but they’re not too difficult to get the hang of.

Connect To Wi-Fi

You must ensure that your smart coffee maker is connected to your home’s Wi-Fi. The steps might be different for different models, but they’re usually similar. In addition, you should refer to your instruction manual for more information.

Step 1: Set Up Your Wi-Fi

Make sure that your Wi-Fi is up and running and your smartphone is updated prior to getting started. Then, plug your new smart coffee maker in.

Step 2: Download The Correct App

Download the app for your smart coffee maker. You can find out the name of the app to download from the brand’s website or the instruction manual. You’ll likely have to sign up for the app and log in.

Step 3: Add Your Smart Coffee Maker

Add your smart coffee maker to the app. You may also have to select the kind of device (kitchen appliance, coffee maker etc.) if the app asks you.

You will likely be asked to press a specific button on your smart coffee maker to connect to the app. The app will then ask you to select your Wi-Fi network and enter your password. After that, wait for a few minutes for it to connect.

If your smart coffee maker relies mainly on a voice assistant, there might not be another app to sign into. So, if your new machine is compatible with a voice assistant, you will use these steps with the voice assistant apps (e.g., Alexa, Google Assistant). But worry not, as it requires a similar process.

Use The App To Create Your Settings

Now, you should be able to choose your smart coffee maker from the home screen using the app. This will give you access to a number of settings that will make using your coffee maker easier. Again, this may vary slightly, but most of the options included in the settings should be the same.

Step 1: Start Brewing

The main controls will let you start brewing your coffee — given that the coffee grounds, water, and filters, etc., are in your smart coffee maker. 

In many apps, there is also an option to control strength. In other smart coffee makers, you might see an option to manage the number of cups you can brew at once.

Step 2: Set A Schedule 

The app has a system allowing you to schedule brewing times for a specific time of the day on specific days. This is very convenient, especially if you usually wake up at a specific time or if you want a cup of coffee ready for when you arrive home from work.

Discover Useful Voice Commands

Many smart coffee makers are compatible with Alexa or Google Assistant

As mentioned earlier, many smart coffee makers are compatible with Alexa or Google Assistant. In this case, you should download the voice assistant app and then connect it to your smart coffee maker using the instructions above. 

Step 1: Speak Up

Begin or pause the brewing process using voice commands. You can simply say, “Alexa, start brewing coffee,” and it will be handled for you.

Step 2: Connect To A Routine

Connect your smart coffee maker to a routine. Alexa routines allow you to group together and automate several actions using a single voice command. By simply saying, “Alexa, start my morning,” it can brew coffee, turn the lights on, read out your schedule for the day, or even provide you with a weather forecast!

Some smart coffee makers are also compatible with the IFTTT platform. This grants access to specific community-created conditions to activate the app. It is a way of creating more intricate routines or discovering a way to allow your smart coffee maker to work with another device.

Smart Coffee Maker Alternative 

Use A Smart Plug With Your Old Coffee Maker

If your coffee maker is incompatible with a voice assistant or has no smart features, you can connect it using a smart plug. However, do not expect all the features of a smart coffee maker. Nevertheless, it should still turn on your coffee maker and start brewing coffee on a schedule or using voice commands.

Lastly, remember that smart features are better suited for coffee makers without pods, or you will find yourself manually replacing the pod after every brew. You may also be interested in reading our guide on different ways to make coffee at home.


  • Aisling O'Connor

    Aisling is an Irish food and drinks writer and journalist fueled by coffee and herbal tea. She followed up her journalism degree with nutrition studies. Find Aisling on LinkedIn.