What Is Fat Burning Coffee? 5 Best Recipes and Benefits

Curious about what is fat burning coffee? Fat-burning coffee is a great pre/post-workout drink that helps accelerate the metabolic rate and burn stubborn fat – perfect for your weight loss journey!

Muscular man leaning by the window - what is fat burning coffee
Drinking coffee helps you lose weight.

Americans drink 400 million cups of coffee a day – from plain black coffee to specialty coffees. If you are trying to lose some weight, drinking coffee may help you with that, too. 

Yes, you’ve read it right – the key to losing weight may just be in your cup of coffee! However, how you make coffee has a substantial impact on your health, as adding a lot of sugar and cream can derail your weight loss goals. But worry not, because you don’t have to drink plain black coffee to make it a healthy choice for your diet.

If you’re looking to incorporate coffee into your weight loss journey, it’s important to pair it with a healthy and balanced diet. And what better way to ensure that you’re eating healthy than by using an app with meal plans tailored to your food preferences?

By having access to a meal planning app, you can ensure that you’re consuming the right amount of calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients to support your weight loss goals while still enjoying your favorite foods. This way, you can continue to enjoy your cup of coffee, while also making sure that your diet is working in your favor.

Lasta meal planning app
Reach your weight loss goals with Lasta’s meal plans

Benefits Of Black And Green Coffee

Black Coffee

Plain black coffee is one of the most accessible drinks to prepare for fat-burning coffee. If you drink black coffee after eating your dinner, the presence of chlorogenic acid will slow down the production of glucose in your body. Additionally, the production of new fat cells is lessened, which means fewer calories in your body.

woman holding a black coffee
Black coffee improves metabolic rate.

A simple shot of black coffee is sufficient to improve your metabolic rate and boost energy levels. Chlorogenic acid in coffees also helps in hastening the fat-burning process. You can also consider adding a pinch of nutmeg to accentuate the aroma and effectiveness of your coffee drink.  

Although caffeine can help accelerate your metabolic rate in the short term, this effect decreases for long-term coffee drinkers due to tolerance. So, if you’re only interested in coffee for weight loss, it may be best to cycle your drinking habits to prevent you from building up a tolerance to caffeine. Coffee can also inhibit iron absorption from meals, so if you’re anemic or at risk of developing anemia, don’t drink coffee with food.

Check out our reasons why MCT oil in coffee is a healthy option.

Green Coffee

Green coffee is another type of fat-burning coffee drink gaining popularity. Green coffee beans are seeds of unroasted coffee fruits. These coffee beans contain high amounts of chlorogenic acid, which is said to have many health benefits. 

green coffee beans
Green coffee beans have health benefits.

Green coffee has antioxidant properties. Along with helping with weight loss, it can help regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure. 

5 Fat Burning Coffee Recipes

1. Cinnamon Black Coffee

Cinnamon is believed to help speed up metabolism. Adding a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to your regular black coffee can increase its health benefits. Since cinnamon contains fiber, it can also make coffee feel more satisfying. You might find our guide on dissolving the cinnamon powder in your coffee helpful.

Cinnamon Black Coffee Recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes


  • Coffee maker of choice
  • Mug
  • Spoon


  • Black coffee
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon powder
  • Honey (optional)


  • Brew your black coffee.
  • Add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and stir well.
  • You can add honey to tone down its bitterness.

ck-heading”>2. Lemon Coffee

Adding lemon juice to your coffee may also help you on your weight loss journey. Both lemon and coffee can help promote a feeling of fullness to keep you from snacking throughout the day.

Lemon Coffee Recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes


  • Coffee maker of choice
  • Mug
  • Spoon


  • Black coffee
  • Lemon juice
  • Cinnamon powder (optional)


  • Brew your coffee.
  • Add half the juice of a lemon.
  • You can also add cinnamon powder to improve the taste.

3. Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof coffee can help speed up the fat-burning process, too. This creamy coffee is the melange of java, medium-chain triglyceride or MCT oil, and unsalted or non-dairy butter. This simple coffee mix can help increase satiety, but it’s high in saturated fat, so consume it in moderation.

coffee with butter
Bulletproof coffee.

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes


  • Coffee maker of choice
  • Blender
  • Mug
  • Spoon


  • Coffee
  • 1 tbsp MCT oil
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • A pinch of salt


  • Brew your coffee as normal, and make enough for a cup and a half.
  • Pour the coffee and other ingredients into a blender.
  • Blend until creamy.

4. Dark Chocolate Coffee

Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFA, which work wonders when mixed with a simple coffee brew. Drinking dark chocolate coffee can help increase satiety, encourage weight loss, and even improve your focus. 

This fat-reducing coffee drink also helps suppress your appetite and reduce the level of Ghrelin, a hormone that promotes hunger. For the best results, use dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao. 

Dark Chocolate Coffee Recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes


  • Coffee maker of choice
  • Saucepan
  • Heat resistant bowl
  • Mug
  • Spoon


  • Coffee
  • 1-2 tsp dark chocolate


  • Brew your coffee as normal.
  • While your coffee is brewing, put your chocolate in a heat-resistant bowl that is large enough to fit securely over a pot. You may need to use more chocolate than the recipe requires. Although you can use a microwave to melt chocolate, it burns easily, so the stovetop method allows for more control.
  • Fill the pot with water and put the bowl over it.
  • Boil the water.
  • Continuously stir as the chocolate begins to melt to prevent it from burning.
  • Add the melted chocolate to a mug and pour the hot coffee over it.
  • Stir well and enjoy.

5. Ginger Mint Green Coffee

Ginger mint green coffee can be a healthier choice for your weight loss diet. The ginger can help increase satiety, while the mint imparts a refreshing flavor.

Ginger Mint Green Coffee Recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes


  • Mug
  • Spoon


  • 1-2 tsp green coffee powder
  • 1 tsp ginger powder
  • 3-4 mint leaves


  • Add the ingredients to a mug.
  • Pour hot, but not boiling, water over them.
  • Give it a stir and allow it to stand for 2 minutes.
  • Stir it again.
  • Scoop out the mint leaves and enjoy.


  • Cian Murray

    Cian Murray is an experienced writer and editor, who graduated from Cardiff University’s esteemed School of Journalism, Media and Culture. His work has been featured in both local and national media, and he has also produced content for multinational brands and agencies. Find Cian on muckrack.com.