How To Clean Coffee Pot With Baking Soda

If you are wondering how to clean coffee pot with baking soda, take a look at the helpful guide we have put together for you!

How to Clean Coffee Pot with Baking Soda
Spoon of baking soda

If you are anything like me, then you cannot get out of bed unless you know that coffee is involved. Unfortunately, it is easy to get frustrated when your morning cup of coffee tastes a bit off. One of the reasons why your coffee may not taste the same is that the pot is not clean.

Fortunately, a little bit of baking soda can make your coffee taste delicious once again! If you are wondering how to clean coffee pot with baking soda, we have you covered. Take a look at our helpful step-by-step guide below! 

The Materials Needed: Cleaning Your Coffee Pot

First, gather the appropriate materials. In order to clean your coffee pot using baking soda you will need: 

  • Your dirty coffee pot 
  • Fresh, distilled white vinegar 
  • Cold tap water 
  • Baking soda 
  • A soft sponge 

After this, you will be ready to go. Take a look at what you have to do to get the stains off of your coffee pot!

Clean Coffee Pot with Baking Soda: The Steps

The steps to clean your coffee pot with baking soda include: 

Step 1. Mix the Water and White Vinegar

First, take the white vinegar and mix it with water. This should be done in a one-to-one ratio. Start by placing this in the coffee maker. Then, hit the brew button. Allow the coffee maker to deposit the warm mixture of water and vinegar into the coffee pot. 

Allow this mixture to sit in the coffee pot for 15 to 30 minutes. Then, dump it out. If your coffee pot is especially dirty, you may want to let it sit in the coffee pot for closer to 30 minutes than 15. 

Step 2. Rinse the Coffee Pot with Water 

After you have dumped the vinegar and water out of the coffee pot, rinse the pot one more time with water. The goal is to get all the vinegar out of the coffee pot before you move to the next step. 

In addition, make sure that you run clean water through your coffee maker as well. You need to get all the vinegar out of the coffee maker or your morning cup of coffee is going to have a slight hint of vinegar to it.

Step 3. Mix the Baking Soda with Water

Next, you need to remove any remaining stains from your coffee pot. To do this, start by mixing 2 cups of baking soda with 4 cups of water. Make sure that you mix this together thoroughly. Then, add this to the coffee pot and let it sit for a few minutes. 

Step 4. Scrub the Inside of the Coffee Pot with a Soft Sponge

After you have let the baking soda sit for somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes, start scrubbing the inside of your coffee pot. If you have an abrasive sponge, this is probably going to work best. 

From time to time, dump this mixture out of the coffee pot, take a look at the stains that are left, and then repeat the process until the stains are gone. It is possible that some strains are going to remain even after you have gone through this process several times. 

Step 5. Let the Baking Soda and Water Sit in the Coffee Pot Overnight

If you find that you still have stains present on the inside of your coffee pot, then you may need to allow the baking soda and water mixture to sit in the coffee pot overnight. 

If this is the case, mix 2 cups of baking soda with 4 cups of water. Then, let this sit in the coffee pot overnight. The next morning, scrub the inside of the coffee pot with an abrasive sponge. All the stains should come off immediately. 

Step 6. Clean the Coffee Pot Normally

Finally, clean the coffee pot one more time as you would normally. If you place your coffee pot in the dishwasher and let it run, then do that. If you normally scrub your coffee pot by hand with detergent and water, then do this. If you clean your coffee pot on a regular basis, you will have a consistent, delicious cup of coffee every time. 

The Final Word on Clean Coffee Pot with Baking Soda

In the end, there are plenty of ways you can clean your coffee pot; however, one of the most effective ways to use baking soda. Make sure that you clean your coffee pot on a regular basis with baking soda so that you make sure that every morning cup of coffee tastes delicious. If you take care of your coffee pot, then your morning cup of coffee will take care of you!

FAQs About How To Clean Coffee Pot with Baking Soda

How often do I need to do a deep clean of my coffee pot?

Of course, you should clean your coffee pot after every use; however, you also need to do a deep clean every 3 months. Assuming you use your coffee pot on a daily basis, you should do a deep clean out of your coffee pot every 3 months to remove minerals that might have formed a scale on the inside of your coffee pot. 

Can bacteria grow on the inside of my coffee pot?

It is possible for bacteria to grow on the inside of your coffee pot. If you do not clean your coffee pot regularly, you may be ingesting this with your morning cup of coffee. Prevent germs from growing on the inside of your coffee pot by cleaning it regularly using baking soda.


  • David R

    Job experience includes extensive work as a teaching assistant, tutor, and guest lecturer and extensive employment in the healthcare field. Have published multiple research papers and numerous poster presentations on various healthcare research topics. Find David on WriterAccess.