A Step By Step Guide Of How To Clean Burnt Coffee Pot

If you are wondering how to clean burnt coffee pot, take a look at our helpful guide and make that pot as good as new!

If you have ever walked out of your house without turning off the coffee pot, you are not alone. I know that I have done the same thing more than once. Even though it is unlikely to burn your house down (although this is an unnecessary risk), it also has the chance of searing coffee to the inside of your coffee pot. This makes it exceptionally difficult to clean up – which is why you’re asking “how to clean burnt coffee pot?”

How to clean burnt coffee pot
Cleaning the burnt coffee pot at home

At the same time, this does not mean that it is impossible. If you are wondering how to clean burnt coffee pot, take a look at our helpful step-by-step guide below!

What Will You Need?

In order to clean your burnt coffee pot, you will need:

  • Plenty of table salt 
  • Some fresh ice cubes 
  • Tap water 

How to Clean Burnt Coffee Pot: The Steps

In order to successfully clean your burnt coffee pot, you should:

Step 1. Let the Pot Cool

If you came home and your coffee pot is still hot, it is not time to clean it yet. You need to remove your coffee pot from the burner and let it cool. If you try to clean your coffee pot immediately, you could destroy it. If you add cold water and ice cubes to a hot coffee pot, the temperature difference is going to cause a shock to your pot. As a result, your coffee pot is likely to start cracking.

If you have ever poured hot water on a frozen car windshield, you know what this does. The same thing may happen to your coffee pot. Allow your coffee pot to cool before you try to clean it. 

Step 2. Remove the Loose Debris

First, rinse out the coffee pot. Fill it with tap water, swirl it around a few times, and dump it out. This is going to get rid of any loose debris that might be present in the coffee pot. 

Step 3. Add Salt to the Coffee Pot

Next, take the salt. Measure 1/2 cup of salt and add it to the pot. The salt is going to act as the scrubbing agent, helping you remove a lot of the debris that has been caked-on to the inside of the coffee pot. 

Step 4. Add Ice to the Coffee Pot

Next, add some fresh ice cubes to the coffee pot. If you would like to use crushed ice instead, that will also work. Add enough ice to your coffee pot so that it is half full. Try to work relatively quickly so that the ice does not melt in the coffee pot. This is especially important if the coffee pot is still a little warm. 

Step 5. Fill the Coffee Pot with Water

Once the ice and salt are in the coffee pot, fill it with water. Depending on the size of your coffee pot, you will probably need about one to two cups of tap water. Use cold tap water if possible to preserve the integrity of the ice cubes. 

Step 6. Swirl the Pot

Once the salt, ice, and water are in the coffee pot, swirl It continuously. As you start to swirl the coffee pot, you should start to see a small brown layer rise to the surface. This is a sign that the stains on the inside of the coffee pot are coming loose.

Once the water gets too dark for you to see to the bottom of the coffee pot, dump everything out. Then, repeat the addition of salt, ice, and water until you are satisfied. Remember that if there are severe burns, it is going to take some time to remove them.

Step 7. Clean the Coffee Pot as Normal One Last Time

Finally, once you are not removing much else from the inside of the coffee pot, you should clean it as you normally do one last time. If you put your coffee pot through the dishwasher regularly, then feel free to do this. If you clean your coffee pot by hand with a sponge and cleaning detergent, do that instead. Once you are finished, your coffee pot should look as good as new. 

The Final Word on How to Clean Burnt Coffee Pot

Ultimately, if you end up with a burnt coffee pot, it is normal to be frustrated. You may wonder how you are ever going to get those stains off the inside of your coffee pot. Do not think about replacing it just yet. Complete a few rounds of this cleaning method with water, ice, and salt. You will be amazed at how quickly those stains will come off the inside of your coffee pot. 

FAQs About How to Clean Burnt Coffee Pot

Why can’t I clean a coffee pot while it is still hot?

Even though you might be in a hurry to clean your coffee pot, you need to wait for it to cool down. If you are adding ice and cold water to a hot coffee pot, the temperature difference is going to stress the coffee pot to the point of breaking. If you do not want your coffee pot to turn into a bunch of spider glass, wait for it to cool before you add ice and cold water. 

Can I also use vinegar to clean my coffee pot?

Yes, you can use vinegar to clean a coffee pot. On the other hand, if you notice that there is a bunch of rough debris on the inside of the coffee pot, vinegar is not going to be abrasive enough to remove it. You are going to need to use ice, salt, or some other abrasive agent to get rid of it.


  • David R

    Job experience includes extensive work as a teaching assistant, tutor, and guest lecturer and extensive employment in the healthcare field. Have published multiple research papers and numerous poster presentations on various healthcare research topics. Find David on WriterAccess.