How To Store Cold Brew Coffee In 3 Ways

Do you want to know how to store cold brew coffee? In this article, we’ll share the best ways to keep your cold brew fresh.

How to store cold brew coffee
How you store your cold brew determines the taste and freshness

After you have made your cold brew coffee, the most important thing is to store it correctly. But how do you store cold brew coffee?

How you store your cold brew coffee – and what you store it in – affects the taste and how long your drink will stay fresh. We’ll walk you through the best ways to store cold brew, using items that are probably already in your kitchen.


Cold Brew Coffee

Glass pitcher or small containers

Saran wrap


Ice cube tray

How To Store Cold Brew Coffee – The Diluted Brew

cold brew coffee in jars
Storing cold brew in glass containers is a better choice

You’ve made a batch of cold brew coffee, and now you are looking for the best way to store it for maximum longevity and freshness.

Step 1: Pour The Cold Brew Into A Container

Diluted cold brew is coffee that can be drunk as is. Whereas concentrated cold brew is a strong brew of coffee that needs to be watered down before consumption.

Pour your diluted cold brew into a glass pitcher. While you can store cold brew coffee in a plastic container, glass is a better choice because plastic is porous and can impact the taste of your drink.

Step 2: Cover Your Drink

Cover your drink in saran wrap or something similar. Make sure the container is airtight. This helps to keep your coffee from oxidizing.

As oxygen interacts with the coffee, it can alter the taste, so limiting this from occurring is best.

Step 3: Place The Cold Brew In The Fridge

Put your drink in the fridge. Diluted cold brew without milk, sugar, or any additives typically lasts from three days up to a week.

After a week, it’s best to throw the cold brew out. It’s best to add milk or sugar when you’re ready to serve, as it will shorten the shelf-life otherwise.

How To Best Store Concentrated Cold Brew

Is cold brew stronger than espresso?
You can divide concentrated cold brew into individual servings

Storing concentrated cold brew coffee is a slightly different scenario, but we’ve got you covered with these simple steps.

Step 1: Divide The Cold Brew

It’s best to divide concentrated cold brew into individual servings before storing. This will make it easier to prepare. For example, let’s say you made enough concentrate for four glasses of cold brew, fill four small containers with the amount of cold brew each serving requires.

Again, ideally, this should be a glass container – or even small ceramic mugs covered in saran wrap. The smaller containers can also help the cold brew stay fresher for longer as less air means less oxidation occurring.

Step 2: Cover The Cold Brew

Ensure the cold brew is stored in an air-tight container or covered with saran wrap or something similar. Then, place it in the fridge.

Step 3: Dilute & Serve

When it’s time to drink your cold brew, remove it from the fridge and dilute with water or milk. A concentrated cold brew can last up to two weeks in the fridge before going off. Remember that if milk or sugar has been added before storing it, this will shorten the shelf life.

Make Your Own Cold Brew Ice Cubes

Cold-brew ice cubes are a great way to store cold-brew coffee for a longer period and save space at the same time.

Step 1: Pour Cold Brew Into An Ice Tray

Pour some concentrated cold brew ice brew into an ice tray.

Step 2: Place Tray In Freezer

Allow your cold brew ice cubes to freeze in the freezer.

Step 3: Serve

When you’re ready for some cold brew, take some ice cubes out of the fridge and add them to milk or water. The ice cubes will begin to milk and start to infuse with your drink.

Cold-brew ice-cubes will remain good for around two weeks. They don’t “expire” in the freezer, but the quality and taste will deteriorate over time.


If you like this article, read our guide on how to make coffee ice cubes.

In this article, we cover how to make mocha ice coffee.


  • Aisling O'Connor

    Aisling is an Irish food and drinks writer and journalist fueled by coffee and herbal tea. She followed up her journalism degree with nutrition studies. Find Aisling on LinkedIn.