How To Make A White Russian Without Coffee Liqueur: 3 Easy Ways

Do you want to know how to make a White Russian without coffee liqueur? In this article, we’ll share several tips for making this liqueur-free cocktail.

White Russian without coffee liqueur
You can make a White Russian without coffee liqueur

A White Russian is a smooth, creamy cocktail made from vodka, cream, and coffee liqueur. However, if you’re making cocktails at home, you don’t need to fret if you don’t have coffee liqueur on hand.

Whether you want a White Russian with a little less alcohol or a little less caffeine or want to use ingredients you already own, there are plenty of alternatives to coffee liqueur to make a White Russian that still packs a punch.

Making a White Russian without coffee liqueur is easy. All you must have are a few common household ingredients.

How To Make A White Russian Without Coffee Liqueur

We have put together three different options for making a White Russian without coffee liqueur, so there should be something for everyone.  You can choose any of the three methods and enjoy your drink at home.

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A glass of instant coffee on a plate
You can replace coffee liqueur with an instant coffee solution

Simple White Russian Without Coffee Liqueur Recipe

Prep Time 10 minutes


  • Glass
  • Spoon


  • 1 shot vodka
  • 1 tsp instant coffee
  • Cream
  • 1/2-1 tsp chocolate extract
  • Ice
  • Cinnamon or cacao powder garnish
  • 2 tbsp water


  • To replace coffee liqueur, mix one teaspoon of instant coffee with two tablespoons of water.
  • Then add half a teaspoon or a full teaspoon of chocolate extract.
  • Put the mixture to one side and move on to the next step.
  • Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  • Add the vodka and the coffee liqueur replacement.
  • Slowly drizzle the cream on top of the drink. Then, swirl the cream in with the vodka and coffee liqueur replacement.
  • If you want to put a finishing touch on your drink, sprinkle it with some cocoa powder or cinnamon.
Machine serving espresso
Use an equivalent of an espresso shot for a milder White Russian

Espresso White Russian Recipe

Prep Time 10 minutes


  • Coffee machine
  • Glass


  • 1 shot espresso
  • 1 shot vodka
  • Cream
  • Ice
  • Simple syrup or sugar
  • Cinnamon or cacao powder garnish


  • Replace the amount of coffee liqueur with the equivalent of an espresso shot, cold brew, or a strong cup of coffee.
  • Fill a small glass with ice.
  • Add the vodka and coffee to the glass.
  • Add sugar or simple syrup to taste for some sweetness.
  • Pour the cream onto the top of your drink.
  • Stir the mixture together.
  • Top your drink with a dash of cocoa powder or cinnamon to garnish.

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Mocha ice cream in a wafer bowl
You can use melted coffee ice cream

Coffee Ice Cream White Russian Recipe

Prep Time 30 minutes


  • Glass


  • Plain coffee ice cream
  • Milk
  • 1 shot vodka
  • Ice
  • Cinnamon or cacao powder
  • Bailey's Irish Cream optional


  • Allow the coffee ice cream to soften. It is fine if it's not completely melted as long as it is soft enough to be malleable.
  • Put melted ice cream into a glass and stir in a dash of milk.
  • Add a vodka to the coffee and ice cream mix and stir.
  • For a little extra special treat, add some Baileys to your drink.
  • Mix the concoction together.
  • Sprinkle some cacao powder or cinnamon on top of your drink.

You may also be interested in reading about the varieties of cacao.


If you like this article, read our guide on making a caramel ice coffee with a Keurig.

In this article, we cover how to make keto coffee.


  • Aisling O'Connor

    Aisling is an Irish food and drinks writer and journalist fueled by coffee and herbal tea. She followed up her journalism degree with nutrition studies. Find Aisling on LinkedIn.