How To Make Protein Coffee – Step By Step

Learning how to make protein coffee is a great option if you want to give yourself a pre-gym boost and start the day the right way. Read on to find out more…

How to make protein coffee
Protein coffee can keep your blood sugar at healthy levels

Many of us love coffee and need a hot cup of coffee to start the day. There is a reason so many of us love this delicious drink; coffee, with its rich fragrance and delicious flavor, provides antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients. A morning brew also gives us enough caffeine to improve focus and get us going every morning.

However, it’s all too easy to pair that morning cup of coffee with a pastry or bagel or some other delicious carby snack. While this breakfast combo is okay for an occasional indulgence, the abundance of carbohydrates in a bread-based breakfast can leave you on a blood sugar roller coaster each day. Of course, the option is there to just skip breakfast altogether, but that’s definitely not a great idea. 

Rather than starting the day with a poor breakfast or no breakfast at all, why not learn to make protein coffee with our simple recipe? We guarantee that it will keep you going all morning. You might also be wondering will a milk frother mixes protein powder.

What Is Protein Coffee?

Protein coffee is exactly what it sounds like; it’s a brewed cup of joe with extra protein. This protein comes in the form of powder, which is added to your coffee instead of creamer.

It’s the morning choice of many athletes who see it as a good way to up their protein intake to start their day in the right way. It has recently become common for people who are looking to lose weight or just simply get a pre-gym boost. 

I enjoy it as a breakfast option that won’t leave me feeling tired and bloated. It really is a great choice for many different instances. Protein coffee is good for any time of the day.

You can even add frozen fruit to make a coffee protein smoothie to refuel post-workout.

Why You Should Learn How To Make Protein Coffee

When you learn how to make protein coffee, you can start the day with a balanced nutritional profile. Adding protein powder to your morning coffee can keep your blood sugar at healthy levels, so you won’t have to deal with cravings for sugary snacks halfway through the morning.

Additionally, having a protein-rich breakfast can make it easier to make smarter dietary choices at lunch since you won’t be starving when it comes time to place an order for your midday meal.

Adding protein powder instead of creamer to your morning coffee isn’t even all that hard. It only includes adding a few minutes of prep time to your morning routine. You will even be able to do this in your early morning brain fog because. It is actually that easy. 

Why Is Protein Important?

Egg, hen's egg, boiled egg
Protein is the secret to shedding pounds and staying satisfied

There’s a lot of hype about different diets in the news. The Atkins diet started the trend in the late 1990s and early 2000s, telling people that the way to lose weight is to consume copious amounts of protein and dramatically slash the consumption of carbohydrates.

Nowadays, Atkins has been replaced by the Keto Diet, the Low Carb High Fat Diet, and the Low Carb Mediterranean Diet, among others. All of these diets have one thing in common: the fact that they all cite protein as the secret to shedding pounds and staying satisfied.

What dietary scientists have found in recent decades is that protein is the key nutritional component to losing weight and keeping it off. Not only is protein the building block of muscle in the human body, but it also does amazing things to the hormonal system of a person’s body.

Protein actually influences the hormones that tell a person they are hungry, so having extra protein in every meal means that you will stay satisfied long after you’ve eaten. Protein powder is a great way to easily add protein to your diet.

What Kind Of Protein Powder Is Best?

This recipe combines a classic cup of coffee with protein powder to give you an amazing beginning to the day. You can choose whatever kind of protein powder you have on hand, or that is easy to buy in your local health store.

Chocolate protein powder gives you a mocha flavor, while vanilla protein powder makes for a smoother, milder drink. Whey protein powder is milk-based, but you can buy plant-based protein powders too. 

The list of available options for protein powder is virtually endless. A good way to choose the one that is right for you is by trying the different ones with coffee or by reading the online reviews on Amazon. Often, protein powders offer about 10 to 12 grams of protein per scoop.

Cold brew coffee
You just need to refrigerate your regular coffee to make a cold coffee drink

Protein Coffee Recipe

Prep Time 10 minutes


  • Whisk
  • Tall glass


  • 12 oz cold brew coffee
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 4 tbsp water


  • Whisk the water with your protein powder of choice.
  • Brew your cold brew coffee or opt for a pre-made one. Pour it into a tall glass.
  • Pour the protein powder mixture into the cold brew coffee and stir it well.
  • Add sweeteners, syrups, or more milk if desired.


  • April F.

    April Freeman is a freelance writer who lives with her husband and children on their Middle Tennessee farm where they raise vegetables, fruit, chickens, and cattle. April enjoys writing about food and is always whipping up something tasty in her kitchen. She also is an avid reader of books of all kinds. Find April on WriterAccess.