Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine With Powerful Steam Wand Review: Is It Worth It? (2024)

Is this coffee machine worth the investment? Find out in our Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine with Powerful Steam Wand product review!

Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee
A simple yet elegant machine that can make delicious espresso

Delving into the world of creating high-quality espresso at home can be a bit tricky. What if you don’t want all the bells and whistles? What if you simply want to create a shot of espresso with a bit of foamy milk on the side and call it a day? That’s how I felt when I first started to look into buying espresso machines for my home.

Luckily, I was able to get my hands on the Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with steam wand and see for myself if this simple yet elegant machine could work to make me what I wanted – delicious espresso with beautiful steamed milk on the side. Is it simple and super easy to use? Absolutely! Worth the cost? Find out in this Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with steam wand product review below!

What Is Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine With Powerful Steam Wand?

Casabrews is a relatively new competitor in the world of espresso and coffee machines, founded in 2020 by Martin Huang, a coffee industry expert. However, that hasn’t stopped the brand from making a name for itself and releasing some of the best products on the market for home baristas.

Casabrews uses a 20-bar pump for maximum espresso extractions and PID technology to ensure every cup of espresso is made at the perfect temperature, stays warm, and is optimized for the best taste. All of these features are available on the Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with a steam wand, in addition to a powerful steam wand that was quite easy to use!

This machine makes high-quality espresso and steamed milk. What more could you want?

Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine With Powerful Steam Wand Pricing

The Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with a steam wand is actually one of the most affordable espresso machines in the collection. It retails for $129.99 on the brand’s website.

A hand froth a milk
Frothy milk from the comfort of your own home

However, you could probably find better deals throughout the year and might be able to save money with the help of coupons on Amazon. Overall, it’s affordably priced, considering you can create barista-style espresso and frothy milk from the comfort of your own home.

Who Is Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine With Powerful Steam Wand For

I found that the Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with a steam wand is suitable for a particular audience. First and foremost, if you don’t mind spending a little bit of time in the morning creating a beautiful, handcrafted cup of espresso, then this machine is perfect for you. It does take a bit of time to get your coffee grounds to be perfectly compacted into the filter.

It also takes time to preheat the machine and also steam your milk to perfection. However, what it lacks in time-saving features, it makes it up for in taste and functionality.

You can make just about any type of beverage you want, from cappuccinos to lattes to cortados. This is quite different from Casabrews’ other machines, such as the 3700pro with the auto-frothing system, which only gives you the option of espresso, cappuccinos, and lattes. This is the perfect machine for those who want to learn more about the world of barista-style coffee at home but don’t want to take up too much counter space doing so.

At only 5.7 inches wide, it’s the perfect space-saving machine for your kitchen. For a simpler brewing experience, you might be interested in our AeroPress review.

How Does Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine With Powerful Steam Wand Work?

Set Up And Continued Use

Like other Casabrews machines, the Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with steam wand comes packaged with lots of different parts, including the filter, a single sieve, a double sieve, and a tamper spoon to help pack down your espresso. I used the products as advertised and found that it was relatively easy to know how to set up this machine.

Unlike the 3700pro with an automatic frother and its all-in-one espresso machine, I wasn’t able to find any videos online that helped me understand how to first set up this machine or maintain it. However, the user guide was actually one of the shortest that I’ve received, and it was easily understandable.

All I had to do was fill the water tank and put it in the back of the machine (removing the red silicone first), then run the hot water through the machine for the first use. The steam wand simply needed to be purged before use to get rid of condensation, and that was it! From unboxing to set up was about 15 minutes, which is one of the shortest times for any espresso machine set-up I’ve encountered.

Espresso Creation

Making espresso is simple; you fill up your filter with espresso grounds, pack it down with the tamper spoon, and then install it into the machine by locking it to the right. This sounds easy, and it was, for the most part, but the filter is smaller than other machines and more lightweight. I found it a bit hard to pack my coffee grounds and get a good tamper using just their spoon alone.

Freshly ground coffee
The filter is smaller than other machines and more lightweight

Fortunately, I have a stainless steel tamper from other machines, but this time I left it to the wayside, knowing that not everyone will have the tamper on hand. I locked the filter in and pressed the button for a single espresso and found it created a less creamy but still incredibly flavorful shot of espresso. Perhaps I need to grind my coffee more or use a professional tamper next time to really get the water to interact with those grinds.

Frothing And Steaming Milk

The Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with steam wand comes with various parts but doesn’t come with a milk pitcher. However, Casabrews do provide handy directions on what to look for when purchasing one. Fortunately, I had a pitcher on hand since I had the brand’s all-in-one espresso machine that provided the milk pitcher with the machine.

This steam wand is shorter than the other models but works just as beautifully! I found that it was easy to maneuver and move to the side to make space for frothing. The purging process was simply explained, and I was able to create steamed milk in about 30 seconds. 

Areas For Improvement

I really wish this machine came with a steel tamper and a steel milk pitcher. The milk pitcher is a necessity, and I was surprised it wasn’t included in the kit. Casabrews’ tamper is great for scooping coffee into the filter but not so great at creating a beautifully packed filter since it’s made of plastic.

Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine With Powerful Steam Wand Alternatives

The Gevi espresso machine on Amazon is perhaps the biggest competitor. At virtually the same price point, it might be attractive to some customers since it also uses the 20-bar pump. This 20-bar pump means you’ll get more pressure to help extract the flavor of the espresso.

While it only takes around nine bars of pressure to make a good espresso, the higher the bars, the more flavorful the extraction. However, Gevi lacks that sleek, stainless steel look and might be a bit bulky for some.

Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine With Powerful Steam Wand Review Criteria

When I reviewed this machine, I did so from the point of view of someone who is new to the world of home barista-style coffee. I wanted to use the guidebook and see if it really could help me set up the machine and use it like it was intended.

I found the guidebook was easy to use, the included materials were able to get me to a good cup of espresso, and the machine itself was simple to operate! When considering first-time users, this machine packs a punch and is worth every penny.

Why You Can Trust Me

I’ve reviewed tons of coffee products, from machines to beans, and always find that saving your money is the best option rather than wasting it on frivolous products. However, the Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with the steam wand was something that was worth it to me, especially since me being a beginner at espresso making and someone who values quality. I have a taste for good quality coffee and products and kept this in mind when doing my objective review.

Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Coffee Machine With Powerful Steam Wand: The Final Word

A cup of coffee
It makes a beautiful cup of espresso and steamed milk with minimal effort

I think the Casabrews 3700Gense 20-bar Espresso Machine with a steam wand is perfect for people who want to get into home barista-style coffee making but don’t have a huge budget. It’s competitively priced for what you get in both features and performance. It’s easy to set up and use, it looks great on your countertop, and it makes a beautiful cup of espresso and steamed milk with minimal effort!


  • Beautifully stainless steel
  • Great price point
  • Easy to set up
  • Makes high-quality espresso


  • Could include more parts (steel tamper, steel milk pitcher)
  • Espresso might not be as creamy
  • Difficult to insert filter at times


  • Veronica Heurta

    Veronica Huerta is a Journalism major who graduated in 2021 with a BA in Journalism from California State University Long Beach and AA in Journalism from Long Beach City College. She is not only a writer, but also has a decade working in the medical field as an emergency medical technician and psychiatric technician. A Los Angeles native, she knows how fast fads come and go, and what it takes to create high-quality coffee. Her combined career in the medical field and as a writer allow her to write objective and highly-researched reviews on coffee and other products that can benefit people's physical and mental health.