Why AeroPress Coffee Maker? 7 Reasons Why You Should Buy One

If you have no idea which coffee maker to choose, here are some reasons why AeroPress coffee maker is the best for you.

Why You Should Buy An AeroPress Coffee Maker
This coffee maker is the brewer used by the champions, loved by the tinkerers, and preferred by many connoisseurs

If there is one coffee maker that brings together all coffee lovers, it might just be the AeroPress. Alan Adler, the person who invented Aerobie discs, also invented this unique coffee maker.

The AeroPress does not look impressive at a initial glance, but don’t underestimate it. This coffee maker is the brewer used by the champions, loved by the tinkerers, and preferred by many connoisseurs. So here are some reasons why AeroPress coffee is the best.

7 Reasons Why AeroPress Coffee Is The Right One For You

1. It Makes Good Coffee

AeroPress coffee is excellent — it is well balanced, usually has a medium body, with a full flavor. Picture coffee between French Press coffee and pour-over coffee — it is clean but rich.

The AeroPress coffee maker is also more forgiving than other methods if your beans are not particularly fresh or you make a mistake. As a result, brewing a perfect cup of coffee is achievable for the least experienced baristas.

2. It’s Fun To Master

Like other coffee makers, the final cup is affected by the time, water temperature, grind size, and pouring technique. However, AeroPress introduces another component – pressure.

In terms of brewing methods and science, there’s no going back once you use an AeroPress. The introduction of pressure changes the game.

The AeroPress is the most versatile manual coffee maker available on the market. It is ideal for coffee lovers who enjoy experimenting and tinkering since it can brew coffee in ways no coffee maker can.

3. It’s Great For Travel

A true coffee connoisseur will not settle for a mediocre cup of coffee, even when traveling! The AeroPress really excels here — it is a great travel coffee maker!

It is a compact, lightweight, and durable coffee maker that brews good coffee within two minutes. It is reliable and nearly indestructible.

You may also be interested in reading our guide on the best travel coffee makers.

4. It’s A World Sport

The World Coffee Expo is a major event in the coffee industry that brings thousands of coffee professionals together every year. This event includes coffee competitions — including the World AeroPress Championship, the World Barista Competition, and the World Taster’s Cup.

Every year, you can discover new and interesting AeroPress uses. Here are some examples:

  • Martin Karabiňšo, the 2014 World AeroPress Champion from Slovakia, brewed his coffee for three minutes using water that was 95°F. It’s not even half the standard, which is 195°F to 205°F.
  • Lukas Zahradnik, the 2015 World AeroPress Champion from Slovakia, used 176°F water.
  • Filip Kucharczyk, the 2016 World AeroPress Champion from Poland, brewed a coffee concentrate and then topped it off with additional water.

Coffee connoisseurs enjoy reading these odd recipes yearly and experimenting with them at home.

5. It’s Versatile

One of the best things about the AeroPress coffee maker is its versatility. While the package includes basic instructions, users have also invented various other brewing techniques. Some people are adamant about brewing right side up, while others are adamant about brewing upside down.

What’s interesting about the AeroPress Championship every year is that the winner always uses a different brewing method and recipe — it’s never the same.

6. It’s Easy To Clean

barista  holding an Aeropress coffee maker
You can simply hold the AeroPress over a trash can and remove the filter cap from the brewing chamber

You can simply hold the AeroPress over a trash can and remove the filter cap from the brewing chamber. If the puck does not come out immediately, give it a little plunge, and the coffee grounds should go straight into the trash can. This process is much neater than scooping used coffee grounds from a French Press. 

After that, wash and dry your dripper as you normally would. Don’t worry; the AeroPress is dishwasher-safe.

7. It’s A Lifetime Buy

The AeroPress will not be obsolete anytime soon. It breaks sales records and inspires a new coffee lovers to experiment and find community.

The durability of AeroPress goes beyond expectations. This coffee maker is extremely difficult to damage or break. Its timelessness and high durability will make the AeroPress coffee maker remain relevant, useful, and valuable for a lifetime — and that is why you should have one!

How To Make AeroPress Coffee

There is more than one way to brew AeroPress coffee. The most common methods are the original method and the inverted method. 

Step 1: Heat The Water

Boil water allow it to cool for a minute so the water temperature drops to between 175°F and 195°F.

Step 2: Grind The Coffee Beans 

As a general rule for brewing the best-tasting coffee, always use freshly ground coffee beans. To save time, grind the beans while the water is in the process of boiling. You would have to measure two AeroPress scoops into the grinder for a two-cup AeroPress. 

You are looking for a grind that is as fine as what you normally use for brewing drip coffee. You may also be interested in reading our guide on what’s the best coffee for your AeroPress.

Step 3: Prepare The AeroPress

Place your filter and preheat the AeroPress by running hot water though the brewer and filter. You can also rinse your cup with warm water and discard. This process will also ensure your coffee does not taste like paper.

A barista preparing coffee using an aeropress.
As a general rule for brewing the best-tasting coffee, always use freshly ground coffee beans

Step 4: Add The Coffee

The filter basket must be assembled onto the end of the brew chamber, then placed on top of your cup. Using the AeroPress funnel, introduce the coffee.

Step 5: Pour In The Water

The funnel should be removed prior to pouring hot water into the chamber. Also, ensure you soak all the coffee grounds within 10 seconds. Pour until the chamber is nearly full.

Step 6: Stir And Steep

Using the paddle, stir the water and coffee. This should not take more than 10 seconds.

Step 7: Insert The Plunger

Dampen the rubber seal, then insert the plunger into the chamber. Push the plunger down gently in order to put pressure on the coffee grounds. This step takes at least 20 seconds.

Step 8: Serve And Enjoy

Remove your AeroPress when the plunger has been pushed the whole way down to the coffee grounds. Pour your coffee into a mug and enjoy!

The Inverted Method

Step 1: Assemble Your AeroPress

This time, you will assemble your AeroPress upside down. The plunge should be inserted into the chamber and flipped without placing the filter basket or cap.

Step 2: Heat The Water 

Bring water to a boil in a kettle. Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat and let it sit for about one minute. 

Step 3: Grind The Coffee Beans

While the water is boiling, grind the coffee beans. You want a grind that is as fine as what you would use for drip coffee.

Step 4: Add The Coffee

Add your coffee grounds into the chamber using a funnel. After that, add the appropriate amount of hot water for your serving.

Aeropress vs. delter coffee maker. Aeropress in a black background.
Add the coffee

Step 5: Stir & Steep

Using the paddle, stir the mixture one time. Then, let it steep for about one minute. 

After that, taste your coffee. If it is too weak, steep it for longer. If it’s too strong, reduce the steeping time going forward.

Step 6: Put On The Filter Cap

Put the filter basket or filter cap. Screw it on tightly to prevent any leaks.

Step 7: Flip & Press

Carefully flip over your Aeropress, then put it on your cup. Then, press down the plunger gently. Don’t forget to clean your AeroPress in the dishwasher or by hand after use.

Step 8: Serve

Remove your AeroPress when the plunger has been pushed the whole way down to the coffee grounds. Serve your coffee and enjoy! You may also be interested in reading our Aeropress review.



  • Aisling O'Connor

    Aisling is an Irish food and drinks writer and journalist fueled by coffee and herbal tea. She followed up her journalism degree with nutrition studies. Find Aisling on LinkedIn.