What Is Tiger Mountain Coffee?

Tiger Mountain Coffee is a single-origin coffee, offering consumers a distinct flavor profile. Proceeds from Tiger Mountain Coffee sales go towards saving endangered Tigers in India. Learn more about what is tiger mountain coffee.

A cup of coffee and a tiger figure on the table - What is tiger mountain coffee
Tiger coffee originated in India

If your life revolves around coffee you’re probably up for trying just about anything when it comes to that soothing and stimulating, cup of goodness. Tiger mountain coffee presents one of those must-try moments for coffee aficionados. 

What is tiger mountain coffee? It’s a single-origin coffee with a unique flavor profile and a glorious purpose – to help save India’s endangered tigers!

What Is Tiger Mountain Coffee?

Tiger mountain coffee is a single-origin coffee from the reported birthplace of Indian coffee, the Baba Budangiri region. The area bears the name of a 16th-century pilgrim.

According to legends, when Yemen cornered the market on coffee, Baba Budan found a way around the monopoly and altered the trajectory of the industry. He smuggled seven raw coffee beans out by hiding them in his clothes. Baba Budan planted the beans along the Chandragiri Hills where he settled with his followers. 

A resort in Chandragiri hills
Chandragiri Hills

Coffee growers still use those sloping hills to grow some of the rarest beans available. Like many other Indian coffees, tiger mountain beans are grown in shade instead of direct sunlight, contributing to their uniqueness.

Tiger mountain is a single-origin variety that’s highly anticipated and hard to come by every year. The annual crop is one of the most eagerly sought by coffee roasters in New Zealand, Australia, and across Europe. The supply is so limited that some roasters can’t offer it as a regular coffee because they can’t get beans every year.

The shade-grown beans yield a full-bodied medium to dark brew that’s somewhat creamy. Though the flavor changes slightly each year, expect a nutty, dark chocolate flavor that should appease most coffee drinkers

How Can Coffee Save the Tigers?

According to the World Wildlife Federation (WWF), India’s tigers only occupy 7% of their former range with massive decreases in tiger habitats over the past decade. Deforestation remains a significant problem for many species but has devastated the tiger population that needs room to prowl and hunt. Three tiger subspecies are now extinct, and the threat to the remaining five is growing. 

Part of the raw coffee proceeds goes directly to 21st Century Tiger. Additionally, most coffee roasters note that every purchase of their Tiger Mountain roast results in an additional donation to the fund. The wild tiger conservation group funds various projects to support the existing tiger population, including slowing deforestation efforts and illegal wildlife poaching. 

Pair of cute Bengal tiger cubs
Several organizations are focused on studying how to conserve tigers

21st Century Tiger has partnered with several groups over the years, including the Zoological Society of London, Global Tiger Patrol, Dreamworld Wildlife Foundation, and the Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance. These organizations study tiger behavior and the human impact on them in hopes of finding more ways to save them.

Thanks to the efforts by 21st Century Tiger and their partners, we have a better understanding of tigers in the wild. Additionally, the organizations identified 18 critical sites that require support and protection to maintain adequate natural habitats for the remaining five tiger subspecies.  

You can help 21st Century Tiger save the large cats and preserve their native lands by purchasing this single origin bean. Look for roasters who note that they donate a portion of profits to 21st Century Tiger. Not only does it help the tigers, but it supports small and independent roasteries. If you like this article, read our guide to blue mountain coffee.


What Is The Best Method To Prepare Tiger Mountain Coffee?

One of the key characteristics of this blend is the aroma, so consider a brew method that allows you to savor that scent. Using a French press or Chemex is an excellent idea that pulls out the subtle undertones in each cup.

Additionally, since this bean yields a creamier cup of coffee, it blends well with milk. Grab your milk frother and get brewing!

Why Is This Brand Named Tiger Mountain?

Though the coffee could easily bear the name of the region or the famous pilgrim, it’s named for the nearby tiger reserve. The geographical proximity of the coffee growers and tigers led to a partnership that benefits both.


  • Aisling O'Connor

    Aisling is an Irish food and drinks writer and journalist fueled by coffee and herbal tea. She followed up her journalism degree with nutrition studies. Find Aisling on LinkedIn.