How To Practice Latte Art At Home: 5 Top Tips

Whether you’re a career barista or an at-home coffee enthusiast, latte art is a fun activity. Here, we’ll explore how to practice latte art at home.

art at the top of a latte - how to practice latte art
Latte art takes any espresso drink to another level

If you’re a coffee enthusiast, it’s likely that you’ve seen latte art designs as you’ve searched high and low for the perfect cup of coffee. Pouring latte art can take an espresso drink to the next level. 

If you’ve watched a barista create rosetta designs with a simple flick of the wrist, you know that it looks simple. When you try to create the design at home, however, you may find that it’s anything but. 

Thankfully, there are ways to practice latte art as a home barista that will allow you to perfect your craft. 

Five Tips for Practicing Latte Art

A few things to keep in mind before you decide to dig into these tutorials and practice latte art on your own: 

  • Practicing latte art doesn’t need to cost a fortune. Sure, you can enjoy using specialty coffee beans ground in your La Marzocco grinder as a part of your artsy latte — but practicing with milk and food coloring is just fine too. 
  • If your favorite barista at your local coffee shop creates the perfect swan or tulip, stop in on a not-so-busy afternoon and ask if they can show you how it’s done. You can also take a class to learn intricate espresso art techniques. 
  • Most of all — remember that practice makes perfect. You won’t get the perfect microfoam to coffee ratio on your first try, and it’s likely that it’ll take tons of time before your milk foam resembles the magic your local barista creates with coffee and steamed milk. 

Without further ado, check out these five ways to practice latte art at home. 

1. Get The Right Gear

Brewing espresso in a coffee shop
A solid espresso machine enables you to create intricate latte art designs

A solid espresso machine, a coffee cup with a wide top so you have a wide canvas, and a milk frothing pitcher with a small spout that enables you to create intricate designs. A good espresso machine can run you anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple of thousand dollars.

Not ready to shell out for a machine just yet? You may want to try your hand at French press latte art

2. Use Steamed Milk And Food Coloring

You can save money (and coffee) by skipping the hot or cold brew altogether. Put a few drops of food coloring into a coffee mug and then pour in some milk. Then, steam your milk using a steam wand.

Pour your steamed milk on top of your colored milk, perfecting your wrist wiggle and trying out your design. No milk on hand? You can also use dish soap and water to practice your craft. 

3. Find The Milk That Works Best For You

a couple of milk bottles on a wooden table
Find the best milk option that works for you

Once you have a few designs under your belt, you’ll want to be sure that you have all the details down to up the chances that your art comes out perfectly. Finding the type of milk that works best for you and understanding the nuances of steaming milk go a long way in helping you create the perfect rosetta, tulip, or swan.

Some home baristas find that the prefer whole milk, while others prefer vegan milk options. Take your time and find the option you like best. 

4. Take It Slow And Start Small

There’s no need to become an expert home barista on your first try. Perfecting latte art takes time. Start with the three basic latte art designs (heart is easiest — give that one a try first) before you branch out on your own with more intricate work. 

5. Troubleshoot

Man using his laptop at home
Check some troubleshooting tips online

Having a tough time getting your latte art just right? You’re not alone. If you’ve tried time and time again only to have your froth fail you, it’s time to check out some troubleshooting tips.

When you’re struggling to get it right, chat with your favorite barista, check out different latte art tips online, try different types of milk, or vary your steaming temperature to create the perfect foam for your designs.

The Final Word On How To Practice Latte Art

Whether you’re a budding pro or an at-home barista who wants to create the perfect gorgeous lattes for your family, practicing latte art at home is simple. Get the right gear, start small, learn the details, and remember that practice makes perfect. Before long, you’ll be enjoying a gorgeous cappuccino every morning. 

FAQs On How To Practice Latte Art

How do I clean my latte art supplies?

Your espresso machine is an expensive piece of equipment — carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning the steam wand and milk frothing pitcher. 

How do I learn latte art?

Talk to your favorite barista about their craft, watch videos, and use the milk/food coloring (or dish soap/water) options to stop wasting coffee while you learn how to create latte art.


  • Amanda Berkey

    Amanda has an M.S.Ed degree from the University of Pennsylvania in School and Mental Health Counseling and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. She has experience writing magazine articles, newspaper articles, SEO-friendly web copy, and blog posts. Find Amanda on LinkedIn.