Do Cappuccinos Have Caffeine In Them?

Do cappuccinos have caffeine in them? Yes, since your creamy cappuccino contains a shot or two of espresso, then you’re ingesting your fair share of caffeine.

Do Cappuccinos Have Caffeine In Them
A standard cappuccino contains around 60-80 mg of caffeine

Since milky beverages such as cappuccinos don’t taste as strong as a neat espresso, you may be wondering about the caffeine content. Do cappuccinos have caffeine in them? And if so, do they contain more or less caffeine than other coffee beverages, such as espresso and drip coffee? Well, since cappuccinos are made with a shot, or two, of espresso, you are ingesting precisely the same amount of caffeine as you would if you had a neat shot. Read on to find out more about how much caffeine cappuccinos contain compared to other beverages.

How Much Caffeine Is There in a Cappuccino?

a cup of cappuccino and coffee beans
The caffeine content of a double cappuccino depends on the amount of espresso it contains

It’s not just about does a cappuccino have caffeine, it’s about how much caffeine is in a cappuccino. Your standard cappuccino consists of the following: 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 froth. A 6-ounce cup is perfect for this ratio when you’re making a cappuccino that contains a single shot of espresso. Since a single shot of espresso typically contains around 60 to 80 mg of caffeine, a standard cappuccino provides the same amount of caffeine.

To keep the correct ratio of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 froth when making a cappuccino with a double shot of espresso, you need a 12-ounce cup. As is the case with a single cappuccino, the caffeine content of a double cappuccino depends on the amount of espresso it contains. Since a double shot of espresso provides roughly 120 to 160 mg of caffeine, this is the amount of caffeine you can expect from a double cappuccino.

The Caffeine Content in Other Coffee Drinks

Espresso, no doubt, tastes far stronger than regular drip coffee. But is it stronger? Well, if you compare a shot of espresso with a shot of drip coffee, then, yes, espresso is stronger. However, since a regular 8-ounce cup of drip coffee contains a far greater volume of coffee, you end up consuming more caffeine than you would with a shot of espresso. Here are the estimates:

  • 1.5-ounce of espresso (a single shot) = around 60 to 80 mg caffeine
  • 8-ounce of drip coffee = around 120 to 160 mg caffeine

However, these figures change, of course, when you’ve ordered a double cappuccino. With a double shot of espresso in your cappuccino, you’ll be getting roughly the same amount of caffeine you would from a regular cup of drip coffee.

What About Tea?

two cups of brewed tea in a table
Caffeine content in tea is lower than in coffee and the amount of it also depends on the steep time

Contrary to what some people may think, tea contains caffeine too. However, the caffeine content in tea is lower than in coffee. Per an 8-ounce cup of black-leaf tea, you can expect to ingest around 50 mg of caffeine. However, the amount of caffeine in tea depends on the steep time. The longer you steep your tea, the stronger the caffeine content.

does a cappuccino have caffeine: Consideration

Remember, the figures I provide in this article are just estimates. There are many other variables apart from volume to consider when talking about the caffeine content in coffee. Such variables include the type of bean, the brewing method, and the quantity of grounds used to pull a shot.

You might also be interested in our guide on can you eat raw coffee beans.


  • Niki B

    Born and bred in South Africa, Niki B now does her writing from the distant shores of South Korea. A self-proclaimed coffee addict by day, and a writer by night, she gladly shares her knowledge with fellow coffee lovers.