Are You Looking For The Best Sweetener for Coffee? 5 Great Options

If you don’t like bitter coffee, then you probably add some sweetener to it; however, what is the best sweetener for coffee? Take a look at our options below!

Best sweetener for coffee
Add sweetness to your coffee

Around the world, coffee is arguably the second most popular beverage, second only to water. There are countless ways to enjoy it. Personally, I usually drink my coffee black; however, I also understand that a lot of people do not like the straight bitter taste.

That is why there are sweeteners available. Sure, a lot of people like to add sugar directly to their coffee but there are other options as well. If you are looking for the best sweetener for coffee, there are plenty of options available right on Amazon! Take a look at a few of the top choices below. You might be wondering, what is the sweetest coffee?

1. Natural Stevia Sweetener

One of the most popular coffee sweeteners is Stevia. Stevia is a great choice because it is a natural sugar substitute that does not contain any calories.

Furthermore, if you are someone who is watching your insulin, see if you will have next to no effect. Stevia is made directly from plants and features antioxidants. Therefore, it is easy to see why Natural Stevia Sweetener is so popular.

Coming in convenient packets, they are useful when you are in a rush in the morning because the Stevia is already measured for you. Each packet is equal to about two teaspoons of sugar in terms of sweetness.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry about overdoing it and making morning coffee that is sickeningly sweet. This is a great way for you to figure out exactly how much Stevia you want to add to your morning cup of coffee. You might be wondering, what is the sweetest coffee?

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03/07/2024 12:15 pm GMT

2. Better Stevia Liquid

Once you get the hang of exactly how much Stevia you want to add to your coffee in the morning, you may want to reach for the liquid version so that you have more control over it.

That is where Better Stevia Liquid is helpful. This specific version of stevia is free from a lot of allergens including soy, egg, nut, and dairy. Of course, it is also free from sugar. Better Liquid Stevia is also free from any GMOs and is also gluten-free.

Finally, if you are someone who doesn’t like the bitter aftertaste of Stevia, that is not something you have to worry about with this specific brand. Even though it is true that you will have to measure out exactly how much Stevia you want to add to your cup of coffee, you also have more control over the sweetness level than you would with Stevia packets.

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03/07/2024 09:29 am GMT

3. Nature Nate’s 100 Percent Natural Honey

Honey has a very distinct flavor. Honey is also a common addition to a morning cup of coffee. Even though it might take a little while to get used to, Honey contains some natural antioxidants.

Even though honey is also high in sugar, it comes in a variety of flavors and qualities. Therefore, you have plenty of options, with one of the best being Nature Nate’s 100 Percent Raw Honey. It is pure, raw, and unfiltered.

Furthermore, it also comes in a very cute bottle that will remind you of Winnie the Pooh! With the convenient squeeze bottle, you will have total control over how much honey you add to your morning cup of coffee. It is difficult to beat honey in its natural form.

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03/07/2024 05:30 am GMT

4. Madhava Organic Amber Agave

If you are looking for something just a little bit different when it comes to Coffee sweetener, then consider going with agave nectar. Also known as agave syrup, it comes from a cactus. Therefore, it is completely natural.

It is also very helpful for those who are looking to manage diabetes, insulin sensitivity, and other metabolic issues. It has a very distinct, strong flavor that falls somewhere between honey and sugar. One of the best options for agave nectar is Madhava Organic Amber Agave.

With a clean and simple product, it is very easy to measure out this liquid and balance your coffee with a delicious flavor. Particularly when compared to artificial sweeteners, Agave will not leave behind any aftertaste at all.

With these organic products from Madhava, you are in total control over the flavor of your morning cup of coffee. Furthermore, you can stay away from refined sugar and corn syrup!

5. Barred Woods Pure Vermont Maple Syrup

There is a good chance that you and Joint pancakes as a young child. Maybe you still love them today. If that’s the case, you probably added plenty of fresh maple syrup to them. Maple syrup can vary widely in quality, which is why we love this specific maple syrup from Barred Woods.

This specific maple syrup has been rated as Grade A for its rich taste. Specifically from Northern Vermont with nothing added to it, it also comes in a large, gallon jug. Let’s face it, there is nothing worse than trying to make your morning cup of coffee and realizing you don’t have the maple syrup you need!

The ingredient list is short and sweet because it only contains pure maple syrup. It doesn’t contain any of that “maple-flavored” nonsense. At the same time, it does have a high glycemic index and is packed with calories, so make sure you use it only in moderation! You might also be interested in reading about the best coffee for first-time drinkers.

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03/08/2024 02:45 am GMT

The Final Word on the Best Sweetener for Coffee

If you are trying to find the best sweetener for coffee, there are plenty of options to consider. Think about using Stevia if you are trying to avoid adding sugar to your coffee.

Or, you can go with another natural sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar, which all have their benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, which coffee sweetener you decide to use is a personal decision; however, the options are just about endless!


  • David R

    Job experience includes extensive work as a teaching assistant, tutor, and guest lecturer and extensive employment in the healthcare field. Have published multiple research papers and numerous poster presentations on various healthcare research topics. Find David on WriterAccess.