Moka Pot Vs. Pour Over: Which Coffee Tastes Better?

Which one to choose when it comes to the Moka pot vs. pour over methods, depends on how you like your coffee and whether you want to make espresso-based drinks or prefer a standard cup of good coffee.

Moka Pot Vs. Pour Over
Moka Pot Vs Pour Over

For many people, a cup of coffee is a cup of coffee. However, coffee junkies like me revel in the subtle differences in flavor that result from different brewing methods.

We participate in endless debates about pouring methods, coffee grinds, and the merits of infusion versus immersion. If you’re a coffee lover who is looking to choose a side in the Moka pot vs. pour-over debate, you’ve come to the right place.

To save you some trouble, I’ve tested both methods and have outlined my findings in this article.

A Quick Overview of the Moka Pot vs. Pour Over

pour over coffee maker with a glass
Pour over is clean and features many subtle flavors

Brewing coffee in a Moka pot and pour overs involves vastly different methods. In a Moka pot, coffee is made through pressure and heat.

The steam pressure in the bottom chamber forces water through the gasket where the coffee beans are. The coffee brew then rises to the top chamber, at which point the coffee is ready to be consumed.

When making pour-over coffee, you need some coffee grounds, a filter, and a pour-over dripper, which is just a fancy name for a funnel. With this method, you have far more control over factors such as water temperature and the strength of the brew than you have when brewing coffee in machines or pots.

To make coffee with a pour over, you put your coffee grounds in the filter, bloom the coffee, and then carefully pour water over the grounds in circular movements. The coffee then drips into a carafe or a cup.

Check out our reasons why you should use a pour-over coffee maker.

Comparison Between a Moka Pot and Pour-Over Coffee

Here’s a quick comparison between a Moka pot vs pour-over coffee:

               Moka Pot               Pour Over
The coffee is brewed in a Moka Pot.No machines or pots are involved in the pour-over method.
Since the brew is produced by the Moka pot, you’ll receive coffee of consistent quality.Pour-over coffee is ‘hand-made’ by humans. This means that mistakes are likely to creep in with pour-over coffee. The coffee you brew with this method will also taste slightly different from one day to the next.
Moka pots deliver espresso-like coffee brews. Although the coffee isn’t true espressos, Moka pot brews are about two to three times stronger than pour-over brews.Pour-over coffee is clean and features subtle flavors.
Moka coffee can be used to create espresso-based coffee drinks.Pour-over coffee isn’t suitable for espresso-based coffee drinks.
The water is heated in the Moka pot.You need a separate gooseneck kettle to boil the water.
A Moka pot consists of three parts, which are all cleaned separately.You just need to rinse out the brewing device and carafe or cup.
A Moka Pot uses a metal filter, which allows coffee oils and sediment to escape into the final brew. This makes for a strong, full-flavored, and murkier brew.The pour-over method uses paper or cloth filters, which hold back more oils and sediment, resulting in a cleaner cup of coffee.
You want to use a finer coffee grind with a Moka pot.Opt for a medium to medium-coarse grind with the pour-over method.
Brewing coffee with a Moka pot is easier than using the pour-over method.Brewing coffee with the pour-over method is more complex since you need to learn pouring techniques, and must carefully weigh your coffee grounds and water.

What’s Better About a Moka Pot?

If you enjoy a strong, full-flavored coffee brew, the espresso-like coffee produced by the Moka Pot will be to your liking. Since Moka pots are durable and suitable for heating on coals, they are ideal for camping and for traveling in general. Plus, with Moka pots, you can expect consistently good coffee brews and you also don’t need to invest in paper filters.

What’s Better About Pour Over Coffee?

Coffee enthusiasts are bound to enjoy the ritual and experimentation that accompany the pour-over method. With this method, you have far more control over the brewing process and can experiment with things like water temperature and coffee-to-water ratio. Pour-over coffee is also perfect for coffee lovers who prefer a more nuanced and lighter cup of coffee.

Who Should Opt for A Moka Pot?

Moka pot and ground coffee with a scoop
Moka pot is apparently a more practical option than a pour over

A Moka Pot is a good option for those who like their coffee strong and also for those who drink espresso-based drinks. If you’re a person who enjoys outdoor adventures and goes camping often, a Moka Pot is definitely a far more practical option than a pour-over.

Who Should Opt for a Pour Over?

You’ll enjoy a pour over if you’re a bit of a “coffeinista” who likes to have control over the various elements that form part of the coffee-making process. If carefully weighing your water and grounds and meticulously checking things like water temperature sounds like fun to you, a pour over is the way to go.


  • Aisling O'Connor

    Aisling is an Irish food and drinks writer and journalist fueled by coffee and herbal tea. She followed up her journalism degree with nutrition studies. Find Aisling on LinkedIn.