How To Come Up With Bubble Tea Shop Name Ideas

If you are looking for bubble tea shop name ideas, this article is for you.

Bubble Tea Shop Name Ideas
Bubble tea originated in Taiwan and is a combination of milk tea and tapioca balls steeped in sugar

Bubble tea is referred to by a few different names. Some call it pearl milk tea or Boba tea, but no matter what you call it, everyone seems to agree it is delicious. This fantastic drink originated in Taiwan and is a combination of milk tea mixed with tapioca balls steeped in sugar to make them chewy and appear as bubbles in your milk tea. The balls are also known as pearls, as this is what they can look like, floating in your drink. The Chinese translation literally means pearl.

The Creators Of Bubble Tea

The” boba” of the tea refers to the tapioca balls created from cassava root. As stated above, the balls are cooked in a sugar and water mixture until they are chewy. Liu Han-Chieh and Lin Hsiu Hui developed boba tea in Taichung, Taiwan after Liu Han Chieh formulated the idea of a milk tea after realizing that many Japanese people add milk to their coffee. He owned a teahouse and tried it out there.

The new milk tea boosted his customer base, so he enlisted the help of his product manager, Lin Hsiu Hui, who combined balls made of tapioca and sweetened pudding with the iced tea.

Check out our reasons why a tea shop is a potential profitable business.

The Origin Of The Name

The culture of drinking bubble tea began in the late 1980s. After it had become an established drink in Asian countries, it made its way to North America. As already mentioned, the name comes from the bubble-like resemblance of the tapioca balls. However, its ‘other name’ has more interesting roots. The word boba is the Chinese slang word for breasts, and it refers to the spherical shape of the tapioca balls, hence the name boba or bubble tea.

The Popularity Of Boba Tea

a woman holding a bubble tea with her both hands
People enjoy drinking bubble tea because of its unique taste, variety of flavors, and its bubbles

Many people who have tried bubble tea say that it is a very addictive drink, and it has recently skyrocketed in popularity throughout the United States and the world. Bubble tea shops are popping up in many cities throughout the country, Canada, and Asian countries. There are many reasons people love and enjoy bubble tea, including its unique taste, variety of flavors, and the cool way the drink appears with its “bubbles.”

Steps to Choosing A Name For Your Bubble Tea Shop

If you are opening a bubble tea shop, you may be in the market for a name for it. Keep in mind that people refer to the tea by various names, depending on their location. For example, people who live on the east coast refer to the delicious drink as bubble tea, while people living on the west coast tend to call it boba tea. Read on for several ideas on how to name your bubble tea shop.

1. Determine Your Goals

First, you should consider what you want the public’s perception of your bubble tea shop to be when you open your doors. You will want to choose a catchy and memorable name but also relatable to the types of customers you will be serving.

2. Have A Clear Vision

Have a clear vision of what you want your shop to offer and set specific expectations about how you want the public to view your shop and what products and services you will be offering. For example, you could use a name that implies that you serve up more than just bubble tea, such as Bubble Tea Plus or Bubble Tea and More.

3. Consider The Emotions

Consider the types of emotions you want to evoke from your customers from the brand name you choose. An example would be “Relax with Bubble Tea,” which will make people feel relaxed and comfortable while hanging out at your shop and enjoying some bubble tea goodness.

4. Do A Brainstorming Session

a man explaining his own ideas to other people
Writing down a list of specific keywords and formulating a vision for your bubble tea business is a good idea to begin

There are many ways to conduct a brainstorming session or two to decide upon a business name for your bubble tea business, and it can even be fun. You can do several things to get the creative juices flowing, such as writing down a list of specific keywords for your bubble tea business name or formulating a vision of the type of business you want your bubble tea shop to bring to your community. Another good approach is writing down any adjectives that would describe your bubble tea business and the names of products you will be offering in addition to bubble tea.

5. Choose A Theme

If you decide to have a theme for your bubble tea shop, you can use a word or two in the name of your shop to reflect the theme. For example, you could choose a name like Bubble Bear Tea if it works well if your shop theme and the location of your shop in which there are occasional sightings of bears, such as Tennessee or Oregon. You can also use this name if your shop has a theme around bears because you collect them and are known for that.

6. Use The Location In The Name

You can always use the name of your location to be reflected in the name of your shops, such as the New York City Bubble Tea Shop or Los Angeles Bubble Tea.

7. Use A Name Generator

If you are still having trouble coming up with a name for your bubble tea shop, there are plenty of name generator options online that you can use to help out in coming up with the perfect name for your shop.

These are just a few of the many ideas you can use to decide upon a name for your bubble tea shop. After using some of these, you may find that your creative juices are flowing and will help you come up with an amazing name.


  • Aisling O'Connor

    Aisling is an Irish food and drinks writer and journalist fueled by coffee and herbal tea. She followed up her journalism degree with nutrition studies. Find Aisling on LinkedIn.