What’s The Best Coffee For Keto Diet?

Are you looking for the best coffee for keto that won’t affect or ruin your keto diet goals? This article will help guide you in making the right choice.  

best coffee for the keto
More people are going for the keto diet

More and more people are turning to the ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet. It works by eliminating most carbohydrates and encouraging the body into a state of fat-burning ketosis. One excellent thing about the diet is that coffee is not just allowed but encouraged.

It’s a popular diet that can help you lose weight, reverse the signs of metabolic syndrome, reduce or eliminate insulin requirements for type II diabetics, and reduce inflammation. However, it does have a few potentially negative effects that you should look out for, such as low blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease. 

Thus, you must consult a medical practitioner or nutritionist before proceeding with this diet. However, if you decide it’s a good option, you will want to know the best coffee options. This article will help you navigate the fascinating world of keto and caffeine, and after reading it, you will be more informed in your decision-making.

Coffee And Keto: What You Need To Know

Coffee And Keto
Keto diet encourages coffee drinking

There are many diets out there, all promising weight loss and health benefits, and the ketogenic diet is no different. What sets the keto diet apart is that while many diets discourage coffee drinking, keto is mainly in favor–as long as you drink your coffee in an approved way. And yes, you read that correctly; the keto diet actually encourages coffee drinking.

That means, first of all, you need to take your coffee with no sugar while on the diet. There are many keto-friendly sweeteners and syrups to satisfy your sweet tooth, but generally, the advice is to avoid sweetening your coffee altogether. 

However, there are options if you need something to take the edge off your coffee’s bitterness. Most ketogenic diet adherents swear by either heavy cream, grass-fed butter, or MCT oil (where MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides). Some folks will even combine butter and MCT oil into their coffee to make “bulletproof coffee” and claim it’s the perfect way to start the day.

Like the diet, this isn’t a choice that will suit everyone, but some people swear by it. 

What To Look For In Keto Coffee

What to look for in keto coffee?

Whether you’re planning on going for black coffee or lightening up your coffee with one of the keto-approved options, you’ll want certain traits to make the drinking experience as pleasant as possible. You want something smooth, rich-tasting, and not too acidic when looking for the best coffee for keto diets. Of course, tastes differ, so you will want to try out several coffees until you find one that suits your tastes.

Some coffees out there are marketed explicitly towards those of you on the keto diet. However, some options aren’t specifically keto coffees but are allowed while on the diet. If unsure, check the packaging, or discuss it with an expert.

8 Of The Best Coffee For Keto Diets 

There are many different options in finding the best coffee for the keto diet, but these are a few of the coffees I’ve sampled and enjoyed the most in the keto-approved coffee methods.

1. Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Ground Coffee

Many keto-friendly coffees on the market have various add-ons, whether instant coffee powders with MCTs, grass-fed butter blended in, supplements for increased fat loss, or other properties. This coffee includes a bevy of supplements from ashwagandha root to Chaga and herbs to help to relieve stress while still giving you a caffeinated buzz.

But for me, the attraction is the smooth, rich flavor of the medium-roast Colombian coffee beans. It is pre-ground, so less of a good option if you don’t drink a lot of coffee, but if you go through about a pound a week, this is a solid starting point. It has a great taste and has been lauded by others on the keto diet. 

2. Rapid Fire 

Rapid Fire is an instant coffee keto solution that is jammed with supplements and antioxidants so that you can get your additional nutrients from a hot cup. It’s easy to make and will also help with your metabolism, and there are claims that it will even help with gut help. It’s a good option for a cold brew and a hot one. It is sure to go down well with friends on the keto diet.

3. The Mentalist Medium Dark Roast

This coffee comes under the Bulletproof brand, and it’s on the darker side of what I’d recommend for those looking to drink their coffee the keto way. According to Bulletproof, their Clean Coffee process ensures a jitter-free experience by excluding impurities. Organic and Rainforest Alliance certified, the blend of Latin American beans makes a complex, satisfying cup of coffee that’s excellent black or lightened with the keto-approved addition of your choice.

4. Kauai Coffee Koloa Estate Medium Roast

I am a big fan of Hawaiian coffee: the volcanic soils and the unique climate make for an uncommonly smooth cup. Kauai Coffee’s Koloa Estate roast is rich and flavorful, with a deep aroma and a balanced, smooth taste. It’s great for drinking black, and it’s just as good lightened up with some heavy cream–you don’t lose the nuances of the Hawaiian beans or the roast.

5. Four Sigmatic

If you are looking for an option with less caffeine, then Four Sigmatic could be the one. The brand is known for its supplements, but they make excellent coffee for those of you on the keto diet. Its beans are from Columbia, and it’s a medium roast that will give you a rich and smooth cup of coffee to help you start your day the right way. 

6. VitaCup

Vitacup has a little something of everything good in it and is loved by keto dieters worldwide. It has MCT oils to encourage ketosis but also contains vitamins B1, B5, B9, B6, D3, and B12. Believe it or not, these vitamins don’t affect the coffee’s taste, with the Brazilian and Mexican beans combining brilliantly for a perfect cup. 

7. 360 Nutrition Instant Keto Coffee

Sometimes all we have time for is an instant cup, and 360 Nutrition provides an ideal option for those times. There is no need for brewing or blending, and their coffee is perfect for keto too. 360 Nutrition’s coffee uses Himalayan pink salt, which helps as an electrolyte replacement.

Their beans are sourced in Columbia and provide a balanced coffee that is ideal if you’re on keto. 

8. The Fat Fuel Organic Instant Keto Coffee

Fat Fuel is another instant option that has proven popular with people on the keto diet. It’s quite calorific, so one small cup per day is plenty. However, it does help with your fat intake, and all you need to do is add hot water to have an instantly brilliant cup of keto coffee.

It includes MCT oil, grass-fed butter, Himalayan salt, and coconut oils. Thus, you are getting everything you need as part of your keto coffee fix. 


  • Savannah McClelland

    Savannah is a coffee lover who took her appreciation of the brew to the next level starting in college, becoming a barista before combining her love of writing with her affection for a good brew. She has written for several publications including Cracked.com and TopTenz, and also works as a ghostwriter. Find Savannah on LinkedIn.