What Is the Best Soil For Coffee Plants?

If you want to grow successful coffee plants, you need to use the best soil. What is the best soil for coffee plants? Take a look below!

If you are similar to me, then you rely on a cup of coffee every morning. You may even drink a cup of coffee in the afternoon as well. Recently, I was looking at how much money I spend on coffee, and I was shocked. Therefore, I thought about growing my own coffee plant. It is possible that you may have had the same thoughts as well.

Best soil for coffee plants
Grow your own coffee plant

If you are thinking about growing your own coffee, you need to make sure that you provide them with the correct growing conditions. With all of this in mind, what is the best soil for coffee plants? Take a look at the research that we have found here!

What Minerals Does a Coffee Plant Need to Grow?

First, it is important to think about what your coffee plant needs in order to grow. There are three critical nutrients that coffee plants require in order to produce beautiful beans. The three most important nutrients include:

  • Nitrogen: Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for coffee plants. It is required for tissue production and photosynthesis. Without nitrogen, your coffee plant is never going to grow.
  • Phosphorus: In addition, coffee plants also require phosphorus. Phosphorus is required for flower production and root growth. Using phosphorus, your plant will be able to convert other nutrients into the building blocks are required to produce coffee beans.
  • Potassium: Coffee plants also require plenty of potassium. Potassium increases the quality of your coffee fruit and leads to a plant that is able to resist diseases. 

Importantly, these are just a few of the many nutrients that your coffee plant is going to need in order to produce beautiful beings. Some of the other nutrients that your coffee plant will require include iron, boron, zinc, copper, and magnesium.

Even though coffee plants might not require as much of these nutrients, they are still very important. Make sure that whatever else will you put your coffee plant and has plenty of these nutrients.

What About the PH of the Soil?

In addition, you also need to think about the pH of the soil in which your coffee plant is going to grow. In general, the pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Anything under 7 is considered acidic. Anything over 7 is considered alkaline (or basic). A pH of 7 is considered neutral. Make sure that you measure the pH of your soil before you plant your coffee seeds.

It is relatively easy to purchase a soil test kit in order for you to check the pH. Coffee plants are going to grow acidic soil, preferring pH that ranges between 0 and 7. The ideal pH for growing coffee is somewhere between 6 and 6.5. 

Consider the Structure of the Soil

Finally, you also need to think about the structure of the soil. If the soil is packed too tightly, water is not going to be able to drain, saturating your coffee plant. On the other hand, if a soil is too loose, there will be too much airflow. The soil will not be able to retain any water at all. The water needs to be there for long enough for the plant to soak it in without saturating it too much. 

In general, you are looking for soil that is nice and loamy. The soil should be able to drain relatively well while still retaining enough water to keep your coffee plants healthy. 

Best soil for coffee plants
The best soil for coffee plant should be nice and loamy

When you are trying to find the perfect soil for your coffee plant, you want to use plenty of organic matter. Some of the ingredients that you may want to include in your coffee soil include vermiculite, peat moss, compost, and even volcanic rock dust.

A healthy mix of all of these ingredients will provide your soil with the perfect pH, plenty of nutrients, and a solid structure for your coffee plant. It may take some trial and error in order to find this balance; however, your coffee plant is going to thank you. Think about not only the ingredients of the soil but also the structure of the soil itself. 

The Final Word on the Best Soil for Coffee Plants

Ultimately, growing your own coffee plants is a great way for you to have one extra level of control over your morning cup of coffee. On the other hand, it also takes a bit of effort to find the perfect soil for your coffee plants.

You need to think about the nutrients in the soil as well as the pH. Then, you need to think about the soil structure as well, making sure that the soil will be able to retain water without saturating your coffee plants. 

FAQs on What Is the Best Soil for Coffee Plants

Can I grow coffee at home during the winter?

It is certainly possible for you to grow coffee at home during the winter. On the other hand, you also need to make sure that you keep your coffee plants away from cold drafts. Frost can very quickly destroy coffee, ruining your entire crop. 

Do coffee plants need to stay moist?

Yes, coffee plants need to remain moist. Therefore, you should water your coffee plants on a regular basis. On the other hand, you also do not need to completely drench your coffee plants in water. Make sure that the soil has plenty of drainages. 

Will my coffee plants smell like coffee if I am doing a good job?

Unfortunately, your coffee plants are not going to smell anything like coffee when they are growing. In reality, your coffee plants are going to have a sweet fragrance, similar to Gardenias.


  • David R

    Job experience includes extensive work as a teaching assistant, tutor, and guest lecturer and extensive employment in the healthcare field. Have published multiple research papers and numerous poster presentations on various healthcare research topics. Find David on WriterAccess.